[LargeFormat] Enlargers and Glass Neg Holders

Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Wed Dec 6 17:05:04 2000

At 11:10 am -0800 6/12/00, Don Wilkes wrote:
>At 05:38 PM 12/6/00 +0000, Clive Warren wrote:
>>Ideally it would have been good
>>to find a set of metal carriers for the neg. holder - am still looking......
>Clive -- Are you familiar with Photomall?  The last time I went to their
>site (in October), they had an astounding collection of used/new Durst
>large-format stuff for sale.  Check out: www.photomall.com/gedurst.htm


Thanks for the reminder. Had not looked at the site for a long time. 
Just popped over there and had a bit of a shock! Certainly has all of 
the bits and pieces you could ever want for a 138S - at a price.  The 
site is very informative though and if you want something then it 
seems to be there - except a set of 5x7 glassless neg carriers.....

There seems to be every carrier you can possibly think of - except 
the 5x7 glassless......

If I sold all of the 138S kit lying around here I could probably 
afford to buy a new 5x7 camera :-)  Could turn the camera upside down 
and use it as an enlarger.....

All the best,

             Clive Warren   http://www.f32.net
                            Large Format travel and stock photography