[Jacob-list] Multiple Breedings

Stephanie Rutherford stephlrutherford at gmail.com
Fri Jul 15 10:33:19 EDT 2016

We have had this happen in a mixed flock, I mean some of everything, you
name it it might be there mix.
It has a lot to do with diet when they have a really good nutritional diet,
not saying before wasn't bad but that now it is exceptional,  can affect
them going back into a heat and conceiving.

Also a young ram can detect that faint heat post birth and get them

I would say it is a combination.

Our girls started this a number of years ago and it worked for us as most
went for meat for holidays and it gave us more availability.  We too have
no place to move our ram and have learned to just roll with it. Sorry I am
not of more help.
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