[Jacob-list] Stomach Itching

Sue Roenke oliveoyl_123 at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 27 19:26:34 EDT 2015

Marie says lice or just shredding their belly for lambs to find easier.
What do you mean by tanning her hide?
Sue, Spot Hollow Farm

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 7:20 PM, Bill & Jeannette Joosse <wjjoosse at gmail.com
> wrote:

> I have a 7 yr. old ewe who has always scratched her stomach area on the
> pasture grass. She was doing this on an old bathtub in the pasture and I
> had to block it off from her, because she was actually tanning the hide on
> her stomach area.
> Now one of my 3 yr. old ewes is also scratching her stomach area on the
> pasture grass.
> The other 6 ewes (various ages) do not do this.
> Does anyone know why these two ewes do this stomach scratching?
> Thank you.
> Jeannette
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