[Jacob-list] Loss of teeth

G & J Johnston westergladstone at btinternet.com
Sat Jan 3 06:34:23 EST 2015

We have a handful of gummy old ladies, the eldest being 18 (not a Jacob).
Once all their front teeth have come out, but their molars are still there,
they can graze perfectly well if the grass isn't too short, although they
can't manage to strip bark, such as willow bark which we feed to our sheep.
During the time they are actually losing their teeth, their condition can
drop a bit, so we support them with extra feed, including Digestive biscuits
(wholemeal).  We wouldn't have ok teeth pulled - too traumatic for an old
lady and not necessary.  We do sometimes help a very wobbly one to come out.
We bred our oldest one at 15 - she had all her teeth when she went to the
tup, but had started to lose them by the time she lambed - twins.  We gave
her plenty of feeding support and have not bred from her since.  Her
condition score is now excellent, although her eyesight is now going
downhill.  We are breeding a gummy 14 yo this year, so we'll see how that

So yes, take out any wobbly ones which will just fall free, but leave the
good ones - they'll come out soon enough.  Keep a close eye on condition
score and supplement where necessary.





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