[Jacob-list] Thanks!
Donnangelo, Nick
ncd at mitre.org
Fri Nov 14 10:42:19 EST 2014
Fellow Shepherds:
Please allow me to introduce Ashley Shay (ashley at bethavi.org<mailto:ashley at bethavi.org>) . Ashley is new to raising Jacob's and just purchased one of our 2013 rams. I mentioned to Ashley the huge repository of practical knowledge found in this group and she has expressed an interest in joining our on-line community.
Nick Donnangelo
Shiloh Manor
Purcellville, Virginia
From: Ashley Shay [mailto:ashley at bethavi.org]
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 1:46 PM
To: Donnangelo, Nick
Subject: Thanks!
Thanks so much for helping us collect Nephtali yesterday. Just wanted to let you know that he and we arrived home safely. Nephtali is already cuddled up with one of my favorite ewes, so I think he's happy! So far, I've seen no issues with the wethers or the puppy, so hopefully that continues peaceably. :)
Did you have a link for the chat room you mentioned?
On Nov 10, 2014, at 7:38 PM, Donnangelo, Nick <ncd at mitre.org<mailto:ncd at mitre.org>> wrote:
Ashley that sounds good.
My address is 14781 Berlin Turnpike, Purcellville, Va 20132.
If you are coming in on Rt 70 exit at Frederick, MD, take Rt 340 West to the Brunswick, MD exit. Make a left at exit and take into the town of Brunswick. Make a right to old part of town, cross Potomac river. You are now on Berlin tnpk. We are about 7 miles on Right (Driveway sign says "Shiloh". You'll see big red barn and my ewes on right side of drive.
If coming in on rt 81, exit at Rt 7 E at winchester. Go east on Rt 7 about 35 miles until you see purcellville/Rt 287. Go north (right) on exit about 6 miles and through. You'll pass Rt 9. We are on left side about 1.5 mile north of Rt 9.
Drive safe and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
From: Ashley [mailto:ashley at bethavi.org]
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2014 05:21 PM
To: Donnangelo, Nick
Subject: RE: Your inquiry about Jacob sheep
We plan to leave at 9.. so I'm thinking that puts our ETA somewhere between 12:30 and 1 if it takes us 3.5 hours from Crawley.
Can I have your exact address and any directions you think would be helpful?
Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S(r)4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: "Donnangelo, Nick" <ncd at mitre.org<mailto:ncd at mitre.org>>
Date: 11/07/2014 3:16 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Ashley <ashley at bethavi.org<mailto:ashley at bethavi.org>>
Subject: RE: Your inquiry about Jacob sheep
My cell is 703-635-4739 and home is 540-882-4914. I will be around all day but do you have a tentative eta in mind? Thanks
From: Ashley [mailto:ashley at bethavi.org]
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2014 3:03 PM
To: Donnangelo, Nick
Subject: Re: Your inquiry about Jacob sheep
Ok, thanks. What is your phone number, by the way?
Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S(r)4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: "Donnangelo, Nick" <ncd at mitre.org<mailto:ncd at mitre.org>>
Date: 11/06/2014 7:29 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: "'ashley at bethavi.org<mailto:ashley at bethavi.org>'" <ashley at bethavi.org<mailto:ashley at bethavi.org>>
Subject: Re: Your inquiry about Jacob sheep
He hasn't been around wethers but I think he would probably be fine with them. It takes 2 to tango so if he is not challenged he will be fine. And if challenged if the opponent backs down so will he; he is not agressive by nature (I've had a few of those!). He will probably be ok with dog too but just be careful.
From: Ashley [mailto:ashley at bethavi.org]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 07:19 AM
To: Donnangelo, Nick
Subject: Re: Your inquiry about Jacob sheep
Thanks for the insight! What about wethers? Will rams challenge them like they will other intact males?
Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S(r)4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: "Donnangelo, Nick" <ncd at mitre.org<mailto:ncd at mitre.org>>
Date: 11/05/2014 11:16 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "'ashley at bethavi.org<mailto:ashley at bethavi.org>'" <ashley at bethavi.org<mailto:ashley at bethavi.org>>
Subject: Re: Your inquiry about Jacob sheep
Hi Ashley,
I have 2 dogs, a blue tick coonhound and collie mix; both around 90#. Nephtali has been on other side of fence from dogs; he was interested, sniffed them, but never been in with dogs. I will say that he has developed an impressive set of horns and last week he and his father got into an argument that turned bloody for dad. So I would be cautious about introducing him to dog. He is docile, but a ram is still a ram and his horns can really do a lot of damage.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ashley Shay [mailto:ashley at bethavi.org]
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 03:52 PM
To: Donnangelo, Nick
Subject: Re: Your inquiry about Jacob sheep
We're excited to meet him! Especially the ladies, I'm sure. :)
I did have a question. Do you have any dogs with your Jacobs now? We have a Great Pyr in with our flock now who is still just a puppy (four months), but I wondered if we should take steps to separate her and the ram, at least initially, if Nephtali isn't used to dogs?
The puppy has made close friends with one of our ewes (they sleep next to each other), but two of the others will chase her away if they feel nervous. The rest of the Jacobs don't really seem bothered by or interested in her either way, so I guess some of it is personality.
Thanks for the insight!
On Oct 29, 2014, at 7:07 PM, Donnangelo, Nick <ncd at mitre.org<mailto:ncd at mitre.org>> wrote:
> Thank you so much for accommodating my schedule! Look forward to seeing you on the 11th. Nephtali is doing well and looking forward to his new home! Nick
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ashley Shay [mailto:ashley at bethavi.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 06:27 PM
> To: Donnangelo, Nick
> Subject: Re: Your inquiry about Jacob sheep
> Nick,
> Sorry for the delayed response, I had to check to see if that was feasible on my end. It is! We can definitely schedule it for the 11th if that's easiest for you. :)
> Thanks for your patience.
> Ashley
> On Oct 18, 2014, at 1:08 PM, Donnangelo, Nick <ncd at mitre.org<mailto:ncd at mitre.org>> wrote:
>> I understand and will accommodate that, but is the 11th Veterans Day an option; I wouldn't have to take off from work. Thanks for considering it. Nick.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Ashley Shay [mailto:ashley at bethavi.org]
>> Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 12:57 PM
>> To: Donnangelo, Nick
>> Subject: Re: Your inquiry about Jacob sheep
>> The early side of mid-afternoon might work a little better, it's a long trip for us - about 3.5 hours each way, so we'll probably get started early so we can be back at a reasonable time to get Nephtali settled before dark. I'm traveling with my dad and a friend, so I will check with them and try to get back to you shortly with a more specific time. :)
>> Thank you!
>> Ashley
>> On Oct 16, 2014, at 9:08 PM, Donnangelo, Nick <ncd at mitre.org<mailto:ncd at mitre.org>> wrote:
>>> Hi Ashley, Nephtali is looking forward to his new home! Wednesday is ok but can you provide a time window? Ideally mid afternoon would work best for me so I can put a few hours in at office but I will do my best to be flexible. Thanks an look forward to meeting you too! Nick
>>> ------Original Message------
>>> From: Ashley Shay
>>> To: Nicholas Donnangelo
>>> Subject: Re: Your inquiry about Jacob sheep
>>> Sent: Oct 16, 2014 6:09 PM
>>> Hi Nick,
>>> Just touching base on Nephtali. Would November 5th be a good day for us to pick him up? It's a Wednesday.
>>> Thanks! Look forward to meeting you.
>>> Ashley
>>> On Aug 21, 2014, at 1:41 PM, Donnangelo, Nick <ncd at mitre.org<mailto:ncd at mitre.org>> wrote: I'm sorry for not confirming receipt of your payment. Yes, received. Thank you! From: Ashley [mailto:ashley at bethavi.org]
>>> Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 1:40 PM
>>> To: Donnangelo, Nick
>>> Subject: RE: Your inquiry about Jacob sheep Thanks, Nick! Did you get the funds from PayPal alright? Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S(r)4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
>>> -------- Original message --------
>>> From: "Donnangelo, Nick" <ncd at mitre.org<mailto:ncd at mitre.org>>
>>> Date: 08/21/2014 12:57 PM (GMT-05:00)
>>> To: Ashley Shay <ashley at bethavi.org<mailto:ashley at bethavi.org>>
>>> Subject: RE: Your inquiry about Jacob sheep
>>> Ashley, sorry it took me so long, but here are better photo's of Shiloh Manor Joseph and Rachelle; Nephtali's sire and dam. That is Nephtali in the photo with Joseph. Thanks. Nick From: Ashley Shay [mailto:ashley at bethavi.org]
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 11:04 PM
>>> To: Donnangelo, Nick
>>> Subject: Re: Your inquiry about Jacob sheep Nick, Do you know anything about the Tay-Sachs gene? The breeder I'm getting my ewes from said it would be a good idea to ask if Nephtali had been tested for it to ensure the new flock stays clear of Tay-Sachs. Also, could you send me another photo of Nephtali that shows his full body? I'm only just realizing I've only seen his head and shoulders. Pictures of his sire and dam would be great, too! Sorry to be so needy. :) Ashley On Aug 15, 2014, at 7:25 PM, Donnangelo, Nick <ncd at mitre.org<mailto:ncd at mitre.org>> wrote:
>>> Great Ashley. I haven't received notice from paypal yet but as soon as I do I will close loop with you.
>>> Nephtali isn't registered, nor are his parents, but I'm sure he could be. The Jacob Sheep Conservatory or Jacob Sheep Breeders Association are the relevant groups. For our purposes (high quality Jacob fleece and wool roving) we hadn't seen much value added in registration process
>>> Ill be in touch soon!
>>> Nick
>>> From: Ashley Shay [mailto:ashley at bethavi.org
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