[Jacob-list] felting on the live sheep

Elizabeth Strub hobbyknobfarm at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 09:14:24 EDT 2012

I have seen this more on my long wools and particularly with lambs that don't get tipped as the ends are finer and they will stick together, I often hear that referred to as cotting. I would imagine that if they get wet and rub on fence posts or anything that may act like agitation they could felt. I haven't had alot of felting on my Jacobs but I have occasionally had chunks of wool that may be longer for some reason felt together. My fleeces are fairly dense though, I wonder if it would be more common on a longer fleece that is more open?

Elizabeth B. Strub

On Aug 16, 2012, at 7:42 AM, "Lasell J. Bartlett" <lasell at lasell.org> wrote:

> What contributes to a sheep's fleece getting felted while still growing on the live animal?


> I'm just buying back two yearling ewes we bred, and both have felted fleeces. It's hard for me to tell what their fleece would be like if it weren't felted. Maybe I'm using the wrong word to describe what I see and feel.


> I'm interested in people's thoughts about this.


> Lasell J Bartlett

> lasell at lasell.org





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