[Jacob-list] Lambs at Perfect Spot Farm

Cathy Robinson perfectspot at bellsouth.net
Sun Apr 8 23:14:55 EDT 2012

Happy Easter to All!

All of the lambs at Perfect Spot Farm have arrived!
You may see them at http://perfectspot-farm.com/2012Lambs.htm

It was definitely a different kind of season for us this year. After
declaring that we would NOT have 30 lambs again this year, and planning
to breed only 11 ewes, those 11 girls had their own agenda and produced
a mere total of 13 lambs. We were sad to lose a favorite four year old
ewe to an unfortunate complication of pregnancy, and she was one of only
two ewes to produce twins this year. Her babies are thriving at a
nearby farm, one a bottle baby and one quickly adopted by a resident
(non-Jacob) ewe .

Names this year were inspired by the Downton Abbey cast of characters,
once we got going and decided what to do! Our girls outnumber the
boys 7-4, and only two mom's produced multiples even though most of the
"veterans" did so last year (one had triplets). Instead, we have an
abundance of healthy, strong and robust singles that are growing very
well and are an especially fun bunch this year!

Hope everyone has had a good lambing season!

Perfect Spot Farm

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