[Jacob-list] lambs

Betty Berlenbach lambfarm at tds.net
Tue Mar 29 07:19:27 EDT 2011

I'm happy to report that twins were born last night, got right up and nursed and seem very healthy. Of course, it's only been 12 hours, but I am now hopeful that Marie was correct;the first lamb had some birth deformities internally, and the second lamb had floppy lamb disease, whatever that is. Marie,if you're out there, is there a more official name? I can't find reference to floppy lamb in any of the three books I have on sheep diseases. And do you know what causes it? Or is it just a set of conditions in a weak lamb...no, can't be, because you said the treatment was water and baking soda, that their gut closes down. Hm...
Betty, in Vermont,who now has a blog, thanks to help from Walter and Linda. See Betty's blog at http://sheepwoman.wordpress.com.
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