[Jacob-list] FW: Lambs to AGM

Williams Family williams at jacobsheep.com
Tue Aug 16 20:51:23 EDT 2011

[Forwarding a message from Robin, who has had some problems getting messages
to the list. Respond to her at robin at meridianjacobs.com ]

From: Robin Lynde [mailto:robin at meridianjacobs.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 5:25 PM
To: Family Williams
Subject: Fwd: Lambs to AGM

Begin forwarded message:

From: Robin Lynde <robin at meridianjacobs.com>

Date: August 14, 2011 11:05:12 PM PDT

To: Jacob Jacob list <jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>

Subject: Lambs to AGM

I will be bringing lambs to AGM. I have about 25 ewe lambs for sale and have
updated photos on my website.
If you will be shopping for lambs at AGM and see something you might like on
the website let me know. I haven't decided on my final list yet.

Robin Lynde

Robin Lynde

Vacaville, CA


robin at meridianjacobs.com


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