[Jacob-list] Free Sheep and Goat Webinar

gotothewhip at aol.com gotothewhip at aol.com
Tue Aug 9 14:53:44 EDT 2011

Hey all,

Here is a webinar I am helping put on with a co-worker.

If you are interested, the webinar is at 1pm Mountain time Thurdsay Aug 11th

All you have to do is send an email to Jennifer Cook jennifer.cook at colostate.edu saying you are interested.

Raising Sheep and Goats Webinar
August 11, 2011
Noon-1:00 pm MST
Basic goat and sheep management will be discussed in this webinar geared for landowners who just started or who are interested in getting started with raising sheep or goats. Participants will learn about feed and nutrition, health concerns, daily care, costs, housing, and products that sheep and goats produce. Dr. Nancy Irlbeck, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for College of Agricultural Sciences at CSU, will present this webinar.
Email jennifer.cook at colostate.edu for more information and to register for a webinar.
Presented by Colorado State University Extension and USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service

Jennifer Tucker
Moose Mtn Ranch
Bennett, CO
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