[Jacob-list] Fertilizer

Susan J Martin stcroft at ptd.net
Wed Mar 3 10:22:12 EST 2010

Just an aside to the natural fertilizer discussion.......we have a very small flock of Jacobs - presently 6 ewes. However, every year (Spring) we clean out our barn/sheds, and clean up wasted hay around the feeder and all this waste is dumped on a pile in a corner of our large garden. (My husband uses a tractor with a front end loader for clean-up). That pile sits there and ferments for a year....we don't turn it, we don't add enzymes, we don't water it, it just sits there........and a year later that pile has magically transformed into the most wonderful compost for our garden....which once again is managed by the front end loader and spread on our garden. Our garden is becoming so fertile it's downright scary -- last year I planted hull peas - the package said they would grow 2' tall......those peas grew five feet tall, growing way beyond their wire support, and produced prolifically.....and everything else does well too. I'm wondering, do you suppose Jack, who grew the notorious beanstalk, used sheep manure??
Sue Martin
PS - One thing that can be said for the Ford 8N tractor......it is immortal......those little "red bellies" just seem to survive the test of time and just keep right on going and going......like the Eveready bunny rabbit!!
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