[Jacob-list] Primitive and history

Jacobflock at aol.com Jacobflock at aol.com
Wed Nov 11 19:13:47 EST 2009

I have found the article in the Encyclopedia Judaica (Biology, pp
1024-1028) to be of interest in telling the story of Jacob from the Hebrew text.
One point the Rabbis and J Feliks (article writers) makes is that the
Christian Bible story in English doesn't present the story as it should be
understood. According to the European Christian interpretation of the story, the
rods that Jacob peeled for white stripes "set over against the flocks"
(Jacob's flock) led to the birth of "spotted" sheep. This is not a proper
understanding of the Hebrew story.

Jacob says to Laban, "I will pass through your flock, remove every speckled
and spotted one, and every dark one among the sheep, and the spotted and
speckled among the goats; and of such will be my hire." The population of
sheep, 75% are white wooled, 25% brown spotted wool and about 75% of the
goats are black, 25% of the goats have white or brown spots. White sheep and
black goats are "monochrome", spotted sheep and goats are "spotted".
Jacob suggested that Laban separate from the monochrome sheep all the spotted
ones and take them for himself and he, Jacob, would tend only the monochrome
ones. As his pay, ("and of such shall be my hire") he would keep all the
spotted born of the monochrome sheep and goats.

Laban likes the idea, assuming the monochrome sheep would not produce many
if any spotted sheep and Laban takes the spotted sheep and sends them off
with his sons into the next county. Jacob, the grifter and con man, who
just took high school sheep tending for six years, remembers ... phenotype and
genotype are different ... they were all monochrome but they were 1/3
homozygotes and 2/3 heterozygotes for spots. Jacob had to breed the
heterozygotes among themselves.

Then the dream. "Lift up your eyes and see all the he-goats which leap upon
the flock are streaked, speckled and grizzled". The heterozygotes had
excessive potency (hybrid vigor heterosis); the "spotted" carriers conceived
earlier than the homozygotes. The "stronger" are the mekusharot, the
"feebler" the atufim. Jacob laid the peeled rods before the mekusharot that they
might conceive, but not when the flock were atufim, i.e, not before those
that would conceive later. The atufim were Labans.

The peeled rods? Jacob conned Laban by using the "superstitious" ag
technique of the time ... breeding done in a certain environment or under
certain signs resulted in god/bad offspring.

The next story ... Rachel gets the mandrakes for fertility and a son.
Whoops, Leah has the child. Those superstitions don't seem to work, Yaweh has
a plan that will work.

I asked a Kurdish friend about the peeled stakes; some shepherds still use
them today.

Fred Horak

In a message dated 11/9/2009 4:04:32 A.M. Central Standard Time,
nlgrose at yadtel.net writes:

"God's Secretaries" * did a pretty good job with the Hebrew Bible,
actually. Most of the problems with the King James Version came because they had a
less accurate copy of the Greek New Testament to work with. Here is the
verse in question in the Hebrew Bible in English (
_http://www.mechon-mamre.org/e/et/et0130.htm_ (http://www.mechon-mamre.org/e/et/et0130.htm) ). I'll
let Jews translate their own scripture.

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