[Jacob-list] gestation length

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Mon Mar 30 20:14:04 EDT 2009

I was looking for something unrelated online and happened across this interesting information at: http://www.cababstractsplus.org/abstracts/Abstract.aspx?AcNo=19890170249

For 985 synchronised ewes, gestation length averaged 149.81 days (range = 141-157), and was longer for ewes carrying a [male] fetus than for those carrying a [female]. It was longer for ewes carrying mixed-sex twins than for those carrying [female] twins, and was the same for ewes carrying twins as for those carrying a [female] fetus. Gestation length was significantly affected by age of ewe and ram."

Have no idea what to do with this information (or if it even actually applies), just thought it was interesting.


Registered Jacob Sheep, Handspun Yarn

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