[Jacob-list] lime on barn floor

Mark Essen messen at socket.net
Wed Mar 11 11:10:50 EDT 2009

The other nice thing about lime is that it gives you an easy marker to
know when to stop scooping the manure. I may lay a thicker layer than
some, but I get it by the truck load. I do like to lay a very thick
layer of straw down on top of the lime. When it is time to remove the
manure, I use a tractor with a loader. When I hit the white layer, I
stop. At that point, I get a few scoops of lime with the loader on the
tractor and make a new white layer. I then spread the straw by hand.
Years ago, I had a friend offer to help clean the barn and he dug so
deep that the barn floor was lower than the outside grade. I then had
an inside pool. I do not get those kind of offers very often, but if it
happens again, I do not have to worry about the novice digging too deep.

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