[Jacob-list] OK.. I am understanding the Showring frustration

gotothewhip at aol.com gotothewhip at aol.com
Mon Jan 26 20:55:17 EST 2009

I was showing in the "NAtural Colored Handspinning"

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda <patchworkfibers at alltel.net>
To: gotothewhip at aol.com; jacob-list at jacobsheep.com
Sent: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 5:13 pm
Subject: Re: [Jacob-list] OK.. I am understanding the Showring frustration

Were you showing in Jacob classes? or open classes?

> I get what you all have been saying!? We did not do really well

> last year at the National Western, but showing at the

> Wool/Handspinning shows has more than made up for it.....


> This weekend, we took 13 head to the National Western, and it wasnt

> pretty.? My best sheep were buried.... I did manage to win one

> class..... With a ram that is being castrated next week (we left

> him a ram longer than the others as he will be a fleece wether, and

> we wanted a cool set of horns)..... He went along as he was in the

> same pen as the other rams that went, and is a pet, so he likes the

> crowds.... He is probably 90% black, and honestly, we refer to him

> as "the midget" as he is half the size of the other rams his

> age.....( he can be see on my website as a lamb...even then we knew

> he was a fleece wether prospect) My nicest sheep were all scattered

> among the bottom of each class.


> So with that said... you all can feel free to tell me "I told you

> so" LOL.


> If nothing else, we did get to educate quite a few folks about the

> breed!


> Jennifer Tucker

> www.MooseMtnRanch.com

> A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. ?See yours in just 2 easy

> steps!

Registered Jacob Sheep, Handspun Yarn ?

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