[Jacob-list] "Exotic" Jacob Sheep in canned hunt

Marguerite Van Beek pegvanbeek at msn.com
Thu Dec 31 20:01:03 EST 2009

This is not "hunting", it is a lazy man's way of thinking he is hunting. Just like all the hunters around here that bait the deer.

After a while the deer become so domesticated they are just like the sheep. We have a problem around here where someone is killing bucks any bucks out of season, then cutting their heads off leaving the bodies, all done from the road at night. they think it is a game with the kids. They will probably join the elite hunters like the ones in the video.


To: jacob-list at jacobsheep.com
From: farmgirlarts at triad.rr.com
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 16:04:46 -0500
Subject: [Jacob-list] "Exotic" Jacob Sheep in canned hunt

I guess I just didn't expect this. I've attached a link to a youtube video of hunters on a hunting ranch shooting a 4h Jacob ram for sport. There are others on youtube as well. Well, I guess there are times when I would agree that my ram, Jericho, is fit to be shot, but not often. It's just kinda weird when you breed them as livestock and use their wool to see them being hunted like deer for sport. Just my opinion.


Laura C Frazier
FarmGirl Arts
(336) 971-3834
Kernersville, NC

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