[Jacob-list] My Ram wasn't a baby-daddy

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Thu May 8 16:14:06 EDT 2008

Where are you located? How many ewes did he have? Was he a ram lamb? How long was he with his ewes?

Here in the southeast, I've heard of a number of fertility problems in both rams and bucks. The drought probably had something to do with it, as well as temperatures in the 90's well into September.

If I really liked the ram, I'd try him again this fall - but follow him with a clean up ram.


Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

> I bought him last August, he had some worm issues

> which he seemed to recover from. I put him to work the end of

> November. No luck at all. He appears to be in good health, he's

> heavier and more dominant than my other ram of the same age that

> did father a fine set of twin girls. Any thoughts? Sell him for

> meat? Give him another chance?

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