[Jacob-list] Its the simple things in life!! old ewes.

Cathy Robinson perfectspot at bellsouth.net
Wed Mar 19 20:38:18 EDT 2008

Congratulations, Royal on a happy ending to a wonderful story!

Linda was right; Jane was 17 when she had her last set of twins and
that was 6 years ago. Last fall during breeding season, she was
actively flirting with Ben through the fence, but she has really slowed
down this winter and I have to wonder how long she will be with us.
She's acting more and more like a tired old lady.

I don't wish to change the focus from Royal's great story, but we had a
pretty amazing birth here yesterday....at the other extreme of the
weight spectrum. Chicory Lane Chloe delivered a 12# ewe lamb after an
amazingly brief labor. I found her in beginning stages (lots of
squatting) about the time I was supposed to get ready for work. I
delayed my departure until the lamb was born, and once I saw it, I
realized how badly it might have gone. She's the largest newborn we
have ever had here. Mother and daughter are both doing fine. The rains
have stopped so they will get turned out in the morning, and it will be
interesting to see her next to some of the "normal" lambs that preceded
her by 2-3 weeks!

Perfect Spot Farm

> Thanks for sharing such a good story!

> When I first had sheep, I remember hearing the old saws "sheep are

> just animals looking for a place to die" "a down sheep is a dead

> sheep". Jacobs primitive nature keeps them fighting to survive. They

> don't just lie down and die. They've got something between their ears

> besides air.


> RubyBelle, age 13, delivered healthy twins on Monday - 6 lbs each!

> Anyone that talks to me about my flock for more than a minute knows

> that RubyBelle is special to me. (thanks, Patrice for selling her to

> me :-) and to Craft's for breeding her). While I don't plan to breed

> 12 year old ewes as a general practice (and RubyBelle has earned her

> retirement), the fact that her line can do it shows the longevity of

> her line. Although, I don't think anyone can beat Cathy's Lady Jane!


> What's the oldest anyone has had ewes lamb? We had this conversation

> 5 or so years ago and I think I remember one farm had a 14 year old

> and another a 17 year old?


> Linda


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