[Jacob-list] Bummer lamb death

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 17 23:37:51 EDT 2008

>I've still got a 3 week old bummer who's doing fine. Many lessons learned

this year.


>Thanks again for everyone's help.



Experience is a good teacher, you will never forget. If you have some
time, do some reading. Ron Parker has kindly put his book online for all
to read -- for free: Pay particular attention to the Lambing section.

The entire The Sheep Book by Ron Parker, Ohio University Press (Swallow
2002, ISBN 0-8040-1032-3 is available here as a group of PDF files for use
http://hem.bredband.net/ronpar/tsb.html - 4k

Also see the recent Jacob-l post about CD&T vaccinations (includes tetnus).
I vaccinate mother ewes a month before lambing so that she will pass the
antibodies to the lambs. Some vaccinate the lambs during the first week.
I vaccinate them at one month and a booster at 2 months of age. I buy CD&T
and all the needles and syringes at a nearby large animal vet clinic. The
local feed store carries it too.

The colostrum contains antibodies and it is important that the lamb
receives this ASAP, and not just a sip or two (like I thought at one time).

Moscow, Idaho

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