[Jacob-list] my suspicion

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Thu Jul 10 17:52:18 EDT 2008

I'm also wondering if these white sheep ever develop any pigment at all? Such as eye liner or any muzzle pigment? If not, that would make the "one big spot" theory suspect, I suspect. I've only seen pictures of young lambs and not adults. Would also like to hear from Fred and Neal on this.


Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarnis that the tendency or gene or whatever for one big white spot is somewhat recessive and in line breeding, you up the chances that both parents will have the gene for this and so you are more likely to get one with a stringent line breeding situation where the "gene" for all white is on both sides...Of course, I really don't know what I'm talking about...FRED????? NEAL?????
Betty, in Vermont,who now has a blog, thanks to help from Walter and Linda. See Betty's blog at http://sheepwoman.wordpress.com.
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