[Jacob-list] I agree with Sue's daughter

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 20 13:24:38 EST 2008

--Previous message:

>I have to agree with Sue's daughter, in reference to how some of the new

comers are treated. I too don't post because of the nasty >comments I
received, when I first joined this group. My Jacobs are not registered and
someone made sure I understood that I wasn't in their >league, because of
that fact
When I first joined the list many years ago, I contacted Ingrid Painter to
find out if there was a Jacob-List. I thought she would know because she
is the author of the book Jacob Sheep in America, which I highly recommend,
look it up on the Internet if you want to order a book from her website.
Anyway, she gave me the instructions for joining the list, but also told me
that she is no longer on it for reasons I don't remember. Basically, this
list made her uncomfortable, so she quit. A loss for us. I haven't seen
any problems, but I suppose some of the private email sent to people can be

Moscow, Idaho

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