[Jacob-list] I need some wool too

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 29 18:52:02 EST 2008

--Previous Message--

>I need some Jacob wool for a handspun yarn order - it can be a whole

fleece or bits from different fleeces if the wool characteristics are

>similar. I need mostly very dark wool and some gray. A freckled fleece

with dark spots would be fine. I have plenty of white here. >Fleece length
3" or more. Medium fine, handspinning quality wool, about 2 or 3 lbs.

>We've got another month or so before shearing and I need this yarn soon.




Thanks for reminding me Linda. I need some wool also. Our
wool/fiber/spinning wheels/knitting group is having a fiber exchange later
in January and I don't want to deplete my own wool stash. I thought about
not doing this event, but it is a good time to promote Jacob sheep. I will
include photos with the wool. I will need about 3 lbs of scoured and
washed wool ready for spinning; although I can card the wool with my drum
carder, I can do that much on my own <grin>. Linda's order is more
important than mine and she asked first. I would like some dark chocolate
brown or black and some white. Perhaps some gray if the other is not

Moscow, Idaho

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