[Jacob-list] lambie-pie

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Mon Dec 1 17:36:14 EST 2008

Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear that Shirly is on the road to recovery. One thing that we have in our favor as Jacob breeders is the fact that Jacobs do not fit into the trite adages often used to describe sheep. "A sheep is just an animal looking for a place to die". "A down sheep is a dead sheep". That outlook is one of the reasons, at least around here, that many vets will just not bother with sheep. We are fortunate that our sheep have a primitive survival outlook and do their best to make it.


> Hello,


> I wanted to let everyone know that Shirly has swung back around to

> her

> usual self. She is eating her grain and hay and her plumbing is

> back in

> order. However, I want to keep her on her meds for 2 more days to

> make a

> total of seven days. I want to thank everyone who sent me helpful

> replies

> and not criticism. Your understanding advise was very helpful.


> Thanks,


> Hannah K

Registered Jacob Sheep, Handspun Yarn
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