[Jacob-list] Fwd: showing jacob sheep

gotothewhip at aol.com gotothewhip at aol.com
Fri Aug 1 09:43:29 EDT 2008

Hi Karen, I would be HAPPY to help you with showing... We show quite a few.... I guess that is the understatement of the year! 

For the most part, with very few exceptions, you show in a full fleece. and .. you dont do mych to them!  If your sheep are coated.. all you need to do it pick out the neck area and any sray pieces of hay... If not coated.. I have found that vaccuming them out a few days beforehand is the best method.. pick out the big stuf... try to be gentle when you vaccum as not to turn your sheep into a frizz ball.... but suck out the offending hay and dirt.  A shop vac is useable for this.. we have a livestock vaccum/blower that we like.. as we can blow out dirt too!

I do wash my sheep's faces with a wet washcloth .... and legs get wiped off too....trim up the feet.. and at a big show, I put a little SHow Sheen (a horse product) on the horns to make them shine.. otherwise a good wipedown works!   Dont forget to trim the hooves as far in advance as possible.. a sheep with sloppy toes does not walk well.. and one with sore feet from too close a trim will not do well either!

Unlike market or most other sheep shows, you will likely show in a halter... We use plain colored rope ones.. sometimes the nylon ones... but we usually have more than 20 animals at the show.. so for the most part,.. we throw one on that fits and get in the ring!

On a haonspinning class.. you do not fit the sheep at all.. you ca
n trim off manure tags, and a bleached tip.. but they dont want you fitting them into litte puffballs like wool sheep or breeding animals.Take a look at my site.. many of the photos are taken at a show... the shep are cleaned up and hauled in the ring.  www.MooseMtnRanch.com

My biggest advice.. is to REALLY get them halter broken.having a crazy leaping 4 horn sheep does noting to encorage folks to like the breed... but having a nice halter broke sheep invites folks to ask questions and talk to you.

I had these handy.. this is for a Handspinning class.. I have highlighted the important stuff.... These rules may not necessarily apply.. but are a good base for a handspinning natural colored show.

SUPERINTENDENTS: Dana Ruehlman, DVM; e-mail: druehlman@
gmail.com and Curtis Chong; e-mail:cchong at boulderassociates.com

Dana Ruehlman, DVM; e-mail: druehlman@
gmail.com and Curtis Chong; e-mail:cchong at boulderassociates.com


In-place - 6 p.m. Friday, June 13
- 6 p.m. Friday, June 13
Release - 4 p.m. Sunday, June 15
- 4 p.m. Sunday, June 15
Natural Colored Sheep Show - 9 a.m. Saturday, June 14
- 9 a.m. Saturday, June 14
Classic Breeds Sheep Show - 2 p.m. Saturday, June 14
- 2 p.m. Saturday, June 14
White Sheep Show - 10 a.m. Sunday, June 14
- 10 a.m. Sunday, June 14
Bluefaced Leister National Show - 12:30 p.m. Sunday, June 15
- 12:30 p.m. Sunday, June 15
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Postmarked by May 21, 2008. Late fees
of $7 per head if registration is postmarked between May 22, 2008 and

May 31, 2008. NO registrations accepted after May 31, 2008.

: Postmarked by May 21, 2008. Late fees

of $7 per head if registration is postmarked between May 22, 2008 and

May 31, 2008. NO registrations accepted after May 31, 2008.
NO registrations accepted after May 31, 2008.
JUDGE: Keith Padgett
These sheep are raised primarily for the handspinning market and will

be judged under the rules of the National Colored Wool Growers Association
Judge’s Guide, with exceptions as noted in the White Handspinning
Sheep Division Rules (copy available upon request).
All sheep will be judged 60 percent on wool and 40 percent on conformation.

Excessive vegetable contamination will be penalized. Physical

defects will be severely penalized.

Refer to the livestock section in the back of this book for health regulations,

stalls and bedding information.

Keith Padgett
These sheep are raised primarily for the handspinning market and will

be judged under the rules of the National Colored Wool Growers Association
Judge’s Guide, with exceptions as noted in the White Handspinning
Sheep Division Rules (copy available upon request).
All sheep will be judged 60 percent on wool and 40 percent on conformation.

Excessive vegetable contamination will be penalized. Physical

defects will be severely penalized.

Refer to the livestock section in the back of this book for health regulations,

stalls and bedding information.

National Colored Wool Growers Association
Judge’s Guide, with exceptions as noted in the
White Handspinning
Sheep Division Rules (copy available upon request).
All sheep will be judged 60 percent on wool and 40 percent on conformation.

Excessive vegetable contamination will be penalized. Physical

defects will be severely penalized.

Refer to the livestock section in the back of this book for health regulations,

stalls and bedding information.

, with exceptions as noted in the White Handspinning
Sheep Division Rules (copy available upon request).
All sheep will be judged 60 percent on wool and 40 percent on conformation.

Excessive vegetable contamination will be penalized. Physical

defects will be severely penalized.

Refer to the livestock section in the back of this book for health regulations,

stalls and bedding information.

(copy available upon request).
All sheep will be judged 60 percent on wool and 40 percent on conformation.

Excessive vegetable contamination will be penalized. Physical

defects will be severely penalized.

Refer to the livestock section in the back of this book for health regulations,

stalls and bedding information.

SHEEP PREPARATION NOTES: Sheep may be trimmed, tipped, or
fuzzed-off, but not blocked. Bellies, heads, lower legs, and dock area

may have wool of any length preferred by the exhibitor, but wool must

not be trimmed or blocked to unequal lengths on chest, back, shoulders,

sides or britch area. Wool must be free of excessive vegetable contamination,

manure, paint, permanent stains, wool rot, breaks or tenderness,

and cutting. These problems will be
penalized according to severity.

Sheep may be trimmed, tipped, or
fuzzed-off, but not blocked. Bellies, heads, lower legs, and dock area

may have wool of any length preferred by the exhibitor, but wool must

not be trimmed or blocked to unequal lengths on chest, back, shoulders,

sides or britch area. Wool must be free of excessive vegetable contamination,

manure, paint, permanent stains, wool rot, breaks or tenderness,

and cutting. These problems will be penalized according to severity.

The registration form must be signed or it will be returned to you.

All sheep must have premise identifi cation ear tags that comply
with the National Scrapie Eradication Program, ATTACHED TO THE

ANIMAL. Call 866-USDA-TAG (866-873-2824) for help. In Colorado call
the USDA-APHIS Area Veterinary Services at 303-231-5385 for tags.

fi cation ear tags that comply
with the National Scrapie Eradication Program, ATTACHED TO THE

ANIMAL. Call 866-USDA-TAG (866-873-2824) for help. In Colorado call
the USDA-APHIS Area Veterinary Services at 303-231-5385 for tags.

. Call 866-USDA-TAG (866-873-2824) for help. In Colorado call
the USDA-APHIS Area Veterinary Services at 303-231-5385 for tags.

NOTE: Due to the time of year and geographical location, sheep may be
shown with a minimum of 1/2” of relaxed staple (the 2” minimum staple

requirement is waived for the Wool Market Show only).

Due to the time of year and geographical location, sheep may be
shown with a minimum of 1/2” of relaxed staple (the 2” min
imum staple

requirement is waived for the Wool Market Show only).


1. All entries must have offi cial health certifi cates issued by an
accredited veterinarian in the state of origin within 30 days

prior to the show and must be available at the time the

animals are penned. Upon arrival, all animals will be

inspected by the Superintendent.

2. Not more than three individual entries or one group per

exhibitor will be accepted in each class to compete for Estes

Park Wool Market money. Association specials are controlled

by the Associations. Not more than two premiums may

be awarded any exhibitor in the individual classes.

3. Individual animals shown in all group classes must have

been entered and shown in one of the classes for single

animals. There are no group entry fees. Premiums for group

classes will be one-half of stated premiums. Only one premium

will be paid per exhibitor in group classes.

4. Sheep entered in lamb classes must have lamb teeth in

place. Those entered in yearling classes may have two or

four permanent teeth.

5. Where the animals of only one exhibitor or his immediate

family are shown, the judge will award only one prize, which

may be the grade to which the judge feels that the exhibitor is

entitled, and need not necessarily be a fi rst or second prize.
6. All sheep must be owned by exhibitor prior to May 1, 2008.

On sheep transferred, the date of transfer offi cially recorded
by the breed association shall be20the date of ownership.

7. At the discretion of the Superintendent, larger classes may be

divided by the age and breed into classes of approximately

equal numbers. Premiums will be paid in each class.

8. Prior to the show, the judge or Superintendent may examine

the sheep to determine if they have been entered in the

proper categories and are not in violation of the show guidelines.

This allows the exhibitor and the show offi cials to make
necessary changes before the show begins.

9. Any exhibitor attempting to interfere with the judges during

their adjudication or who publicly expresses disapproval of

the decision of the judges, or who by act of infl uence shall
be guilty of conduct unbecoming an exhibitor, shall forfeit the

premium and be excluded from further competition.

fi cial health certifi cates issued by an
accredited veterinarian in the state of origin within 30 days

prior to the show and must be available at the time the

animals are penned. Upon arrival, all animals will be

inspected by the Superintendent.

2. Not more than three individual entries or one group per

exhibitor will be accepted in each class to compete for Estes

Park Wool Market money. Association specials are controlled

by the Associations. Not more than two premiums may

be awarded any exhibitor in the individual classes.

3. Individual animals shown in all group classes must have

been entered and shown in one of the classes for single

animals. There are no group entry
fees. Premiums for group

classes will be one-half of stated premiums. Only one premium

will be paid per exhibitor in group classes.

4. Sheep entered in lamb classes must have lamb teeth in

place. Those entered in yearling classes may have two or

four permanent teeth.

5. Where the animals of only one exhibitor or his immediate

family are shown, the judge will award only one prize, which

may be the grade to which the judge feels that the exhibitor is

entitled, and need not necessarily be a fi rst or second prize.
6. All sheep must be owned by exhibitor prior to May 1, 2008.

On sheep transferred, the date of transfer offi cially recorded
by the breed association shall be the date of ownership.

7. At the discretion of the Superintendent, larger classes may be

divided by the age and breed into classes of approximately

equal numbers. Premiums will be paid in each class.

8. Prior to the show, the judge or Superintendent may examine

the sheep to determine if they have been entered in the

proper categories and are not in violation of the show guidelines.

This allows the exhibitor and the show offi cials to make
necessary changes before the show begins.

9. Any exhibitor attempting to interfere with the judges during

their adjudication or who publicly expresses disapproval of

the decision of the judges, or who by act of infl uence shall
be guilty of conduct unbecoming an exhibitor, shall forfeit the

premium and be excluded from further competition.

rst or second prize.
6. All sheep must be owned by exhibitor prior to May 1, 2008.

On sheep transferred, the date of transfer offi cially recorded
by the breed association shall be the date of ownership.

7. At the discretion of the Superintendent, larger classes may be

divided by the age and breed into classes of approximately

equal numbers. Premiums will be paid in each class.

8. Prior to the show, the judge or Superintendent may examine

the sheep to determine if they have been entered in the

proper categories and are not in violation of the show guidelines.

This allows the exhibitor and the show offi cials to make
necessary changes before the show begins.

9. Any exhibitor attempting to interfere with the judges during

their adjudication or who publicly expresses disapproval of

the decision of the judges, or who by act of infl uence shall
be guilty of conduct unbecoming an exhibitor, shall forfeit the

premium and be excluded from further competition.

fi cially recorded
by the breed association shall be the date of ownership.

7. At the discretion of the Superintendent, larger classes may be

divided by the age and breed into classes of approximately

equal numbers. Premiums will be paid in each class.

8. Prior to the show, the judge or Superintendent may examine

the sheep to determine if they have been entered in the

proper categories and are not in violation of the show guidelines.

This allows the exhibitor and the show offi cials to make
changes before the show begins.

9. Any exhibitor attempting to interfere with the judges during

their adjudication or who publicly expresses disapproval of

the decision of the judges, or who by act of infl uence shall
be guilty of conduct unbecoming an exhibitor, shall forfeit the

premium and be excluded from further competition.

fi cials to make
necessary changes before the show begins.

9. Any exhibitor attempting to interfere with the judges during

their adjudication or who publicly expresses disapproval of

the decision of the judges, or who by act of infl uence shall
be guilty of conduct unbecoming an exhibitor, shall forfeit the

premium and be excluded from further competition.

fl uence shall
be guilty of conduct unbecoming an exhibitor, shall forfeit the

premium and be excluded from further competition.

INDIVIDUAL CLASS PREMIUMS: First through fi fth place: $16, $12, $8,
$4, $4

: First through fi fth place: $16, $12, $8,

$4, $4

GROUP CLASS PREMIUMS: First through fi fth place: $8, $6, $4, $2, $2

: First through fi fth place: $8, $6, $4, $2, $2

RIBBONS: First through fi fth place, Reserve and Grand Champion

: First through fi fth place, Reserve and Grand Champion



If you have any questions, feel free to email me or call....

Jennifer Tucker

-----Original Message-----
From: schmick54 at aol.com
To: jacob-list at jacobsheep.com; karen.herriotts at att.net
Sent: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 10:55 pm
Subject: [Jacob-list] Fwd: showing jacob she

Karen and her daughters are brand new JSBA members. They could use a little help regarding shearing and showing sheep. Please help them out.

-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Herriotts <karen.herriotts at att.net>
To: schmick54 at aol.com
Sent: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 5:56 am
Subject: showing jacob sheep

            Hi, I talked with you yesterday about our Jacob sheep.  You called about my kid0s registration….Happy Hats.  Your hats are great.  When you show a Jacob sheep in a hand spinner’s class I am assuming you don’t shear them like our breading market animals.  What I read is you shear in early spring, wash them a few days before and put covers on them.  This is new for us and we would like to do it right.  The sheep were born in early spring.  Have any suggestions for beginners?



Karen Herriotts


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