[Jacob-list] Scrapie

Linda patchworkfibers at alltel.net
Sun Sep 16 15:37:29 EDT 2007

I know that Laura Burnside at Southwind in New York has quite a number of RR rams. Does anyone else do dna testing?


Registered Jacob Sheep, Angora Rabbits, Handspun Yarn

> Another way is to genetically test your sheep to

> see if they are RR. I wonder how many of our sheep

> are really RR(most resistant to scrapies). That would

> be further proof that we could say Jacobs are less

> scrapie prone than other breeds. I think I will have

> the State vet genetically test my flock next year when

> she visits. I think that would be another marketing

> tool, to advertise that the parents are RR if you get

> that result...there are 5 other letter combinations

> that you could end up with however.

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