[Jacob-list] bottle jaw

Betty Berlenbach lambfarm at sover.net
Sun Sep 9 19:56:31 EDT 2007

all of which brings up the point that you need to not only know the culprit, or the symptom, but also the history of parasites in a particular area.
----- Original Message -----
From: gordon johnston
To: jacob-list at jacobsheep.com
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 7:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Jacob-list] bottle jaw

<< Haemonchus contortus is the killer parasite here and is the most common cause of bottle jaw. We do see liver flukes, but not that often.>>

Thank you Linda and Jennifer, this is very interesting. Perhaps because Britain is such a wet country, liver fluke is the biggest problem here, causing large economic losses. However, haemonchus contortus has recently been found in the south of Scotland, presumably having made its way north with the many sheep movements which take place across the border. This is the first year we have been officially warned about it - very useful to hear your experience.
Over here too whole flock worming is no longer recommended, except for fluke which does a lot of damage to the animal before it is noticed. We lost a shearling to fluke a few years ago; she had been grazing away for a month but on high pasture similar to our own which does not have wet areas for the snails which host the disease to live, so we had not thought of fluke. After her death we dosed the whole flock then with a specific flukicide , on our vet's advice, and have had no further incidence. Normally we allow the animals to build up their own resistance to worms and dose only when necessary. This way of dealing with worms is slow to catch on amongst the commercial, largescale breeders over here.
Juliet in Scotland


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