[Jacob-list] Problems with Castrating

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 9 16:30:04 EDT 2007

>The question I have is about the other one with the one testicle). He has

>nice wool, but I don't want him breeding my ewes. Any advice?

>Also, how can I avoid this next year? Would another method help?


>Beryl Schwartz

>Stockton, Utah

It might not be too late to castrate again. We castrated ram lambs at 8
months, so the horns could develop fully, and they did. It will require a
vet though because it is a larger surgical area and requires a local
anesthetic to reduce pain and discomfort. I helped hold the ram lamb and
she surgically castrated. I was charged $50, she is a neighbor so she
waves the farm call charge. The ram lamb walked strange for a few days and
is just fine.

I have my vet surgically castrate every spring, so there is nothing left
that shouldn't be there. Of course, my vet is my neighbor and seems to
wait at the fence with her scalpel ready every spring.

Moscow, Idaho

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