[Jacob-list] wethers and rams and fly strike

Ralene Mitschler rmitschler at gmail.com
Tue May 22 09:45:01 EDT 2007

Howdy All
For the almost three years that I have been raising Jacobs, I have had
a group of 2-4 rams and 8+ wethers. The first year or two I separated
the boys from my ewes. They have all gotten along fine, including
after shearing. After shearing, I have put the rams together in old
calf hutches left over from dairy farm days. Even when they are
released, the wethers know who they are.

This year (because of the drought last fall) and because my flock sire
is such a puppy dog, I have left the entire flock together. So far so
good. I am amazed at the gentleness of all the boys with lambs. I
even saw one lamb go up to the flock sire to headbutt what the lamb
apparently thought was the udder! Bidawee Maurice just turned around
and said 'sorry little guy" but that was it. I probably will separate
the boys soon once the ram lambs are ready to wean.

But even now the boys are traveling together and often go off by
themselves. My friendliest 'pet' wethers tend to stay with the ewes
by choice.

About fly strikes: I am trying to rotate my flock from paddock to
paddock on my 10 acres (weather allowing -- plan fell apart last
fall). I have (knock on wood) so far not had any problem with flies.
Is there some relationship between rotating and low manure quantities?
I haven't talked to my entomologist friends about the types of flies
that lay their eggs on sheep, but I suspect they are drawn by manure.
Even when the sheep are near the large barn compost pile they don't
seem to have a problem. PS I have mostly natural tails on my flock
for those born here.

Ralene Mitschler
Chicory Lane Farm Jacob sheep
687 Oxford Ave
Hanover PA 17331
rmitschler at gmail.com
717.817.3794 cell

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