[Jacob-list] Our First 2007 Jacob Lamb Has Arrived!

Joy Thomas, SonRise Farm shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 28 10:05:01 EST 2007

Our first 2007 Jacob Lamb Arrived this morning!

Son Rise Tabitha and Fay's Studley DoRite II are the
proud parents of a ewe lamb Son Rise Samantha, 5.5 lbs
doing great! We're excited! Think Samantha may have
inherited her father's BLUE eyes! Tabitha is my son's
ewe, he is SO excited!

We'll post photos to our website tonight.

So far, we have five lambs, four border/Jacob crosses
(3 rams, 1 ewe) and one Jacob (1 ewe)

We have two more Jacob ewes to go!

I love this time of year!

Joy T. in NC
Home of The Fiber Flock

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