[Jacob-list] Christmas/Wool clothing

Karen karen at benjaminfarms.com
Sun Dec 2 12:20:43 EST 2007

Now that Christmas is here........ Just some thoughts. One of my
girlfriends that I used to do after Christmas shopping with would buy
the discounted wool clothing, dry clean only, for the fraction of the
original cost. Then she would wear it until it got dirty and then send
it to the second hand stores. So if you are in places that sell marked
down Wool clothing (and it needs to be mostly wool or a matting fiber)
keep your eyes open for some good buys. Wash, shrunk and felted can make
some fun things. If the sweater is small enough, you can cut it to fit
an early new born lamb needing just a little extra warmth. Or you can
cut into strips and make braided wool rugs, or cut into squares and
start a quilt with cute little sheep. I bet someone could also figure
out, how to make some nice hats from felted sweaters.
Also those of you looking for inexpensive baskets, again Thrift
store sometimes have some pretty fun and unique baskets. Once thru the
dishwasher, the baskets can come out like new.
I would be very interested with any ideas some one would like to
share about things to make with our farm products.
Karen Sigler

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