[Jacob-list] Bottle jaw/swollen jaw

Joy Thomas, SonRise Farm shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 22 13:31:08 EDT 2007

Sheep can get bottle jaw from worms.

They can also get bottle jaw from too much protein.

How is your ewe's eye membrane color? If it's pale,
it's probably worms.

Hope your ewe is okay!
Joy T

> I just went out and found one of my ewes with a

> swollen jaw/possible

> jaw........ I am also curious as to what this is??

> We had to wrestle a

> little, as I squirted wormer down her throat.

> Actually, this is the

> first ewe I have ever wormed all by myself. Usually

> I capture the

> animal and then my husband sneaks into the yard and

> squirts it down

> their throat.

> Thanks Karen

> www.BenjaminFarms.com

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