[Jacob-list] spam

Gillian Fuqua gillianfuqua at adelphia.net
Mon Oct 23 19:11:08 EDT 2006

I not gotten anything from the UAE but I have gotten some other ovine 
spam, most recently from some well meaning medical student in Nigeria 
who may actually even be related to me.  I pay about as much attention 
to them as I do to the viagra and stock ads.  You know it's a hoax when 
they start talking about making money off of sheep!

I agree that it is wonderful to be part of a group of breeders and I 
really enjoy the support and knowing that there are people out there 
who get excited about the same kinds of things that I get excited 
about.  All of my animals are now off of grass and we have settled into 
our winter routine.  I must confess, I do really like seeing everyone 
in the morning.  I don't miss that level of care when they are on grass 
but I really like having them all around me and giving me good 


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