[Jacob-list] Jacob show

Meg Steensland beegal7 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 8 12:52:40 EST 2006

Agree - if you show, it is for the sheep and the public display a fair offers.  AT 3 OHIO fairs this year, the best judge we had at the Knox Co fair and he had 6 diff breeds in one class- where a Shetland ewe lamb came in first and a Jacob second, ahead of Merinos (that dominated the rest of the all others class).  The Shetland ewe also beat out the Merinos for Breed CH!  The judge said 60% on fiber and 40% on conformation before he even started the all others class.

At the Richland Fair, we were the only all others, so the judge just thanked us for bringing the interesting sheep (and this class STARTED the sheep show).  I talked to a number of people about Jacobs here so, we may be getting some new breeders from as far away as Norwalk OH.  

The third fair was here in Morrow Co and we were bested again by Merinos (same breeder) except our yrlg ram came in 2nd.  Two days ago I got a call from someone nearby that saw the Jacobs at the fair and plans to come out this weekend to look at the flock.  I gave them another local number, so thay could look at TWO flocks, since Dennis and I work together closely anyway.  I also invited them to come to our next local club meeting, so even if they don't get sheep now, we may be able to get them connected with one or more of us later.

I also sent one yrlg ewe to the Ohio Sate Fair to be in the Grimshaw exhibit (20 different breeds) run by OSI head, Roger High.  As a result of that we may get to be in a Christmas Pageant in Columbus (with 2 Jacobs!) 3 Sunday PM shows in Dec.

So, if you cannot show and win, you CAN show and educate/promote.

Victoria da Roza <castlerockjacobs at yahoo.com> wrote: Our experience in Calif. at the Solono Fair show where
we had a Jacob class was that the judge lined them up
according to size and the bigger the sheep, the higher
it scored.  I do not know how he judged the wool
because he just gave many of them a pat as he rushed
by.  So I would say if you are going to show, have
your lambs born on Jan.1 so you have the best chance
of being the biggest.  The judge had been given a
packet on Jacobs but apparently had not read it.  On
the other hand we did not see that he treated any
other sheep breed differently.  I could have judged by
lining up by size to and saved the Fair the money of a
judge.  Many of the breeds requested to the Fair
Office that this judge not be used again, but then you
do not get back all the work of preparing the sheep to
be shown in a show.
   The judge was even nervy enough to comment to one
breed where the sheep looked like cattle that this
breed was getting way too big......and then preceded
to line them up by size!
   I think if you show, you need to do it because you
want to have the Jacob breed known and considered by
the public and other breeders.  YOu may find someone
who actually will want to become a breeder, but we
found the greatest reward came from the comments on
how beautiful our sheep were.

Castle Rock Farm
Jacob Sheep & Nigerian Dwarf Goats

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