[Jacob-list] Re: not acting right! ohoh

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 29 11:46:58 EST 2006

--Linda wrote:
>My sheep do that "quick steps, stop...head low to the ground" in the
summer when flies or gnats get in their noses. None of the >other symptoms
match, though. Mine always eat grain like they haven't eaten in weeks.
I agree.  Symptoms fit a reaction to "nose bots" (flies).  My ram does this
during late spring, fly season; only, he doesn't want to eat much.  I was
told my a sheep professor at nearby WSU vet school that the primitive
breeds will react to nose bots, even if the bots aren't actually there.  It
can be just an instinctive reaction during fly season.  My ram would stand
in the bushes, your ewes want a dark place in the barn.  They are trying to
get away from the flies.  You can apply some anti-fly spray around the
face, the kind made for horses or cattle.  I don't treat my ram, I just let
him deal with it.  He is back to normal within a week.
Watch the symptoms for any changes; maybe give some B-Complex vitamins,
which also stimulates the appetite.  I hope it is just a reaction to flies.
Moscow, Idaho
a tad bit too early for fly season

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