[Jacob-list] Jacob breeder in Marion OH

Meg Steensland beegal7 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 26 14:28:40 EDT 2006

Thanks to all who replied expressing their experiences with troubled  buyers and ideas for handling such sales.  Having to accommodate  extra stock you had planned to have sold is probably harder than my  case of being out $.  

Debbie Bennett <dbennet954 at earthlink.net> wrote:  I understand that things happen, peoples lives are busy. I think  
honesty and communication is what makes the difference. I was once a  
"bad buyer" myself. I excited about getting a farm and bought a goat  
doe, to be bred. Our farm house was supposed to be finished the first  
of January, but it wasn't ready for us to move into until mid-March.  
By that time, the goat was giving birth to twin bucks. The seller  
asked that I pay for her keep for the extra time she was there or  
wait until the twins were old enough to wean and let her keep them.  
We didn't have a problem working it out because: 1. I paid for the  
doe in full at the beginning, 2. I kept the seller updated on events  
that were beyond my control, 3. I paid for the animal's extra keep.

Last year, I was contacted by a seller who was sure she wanted to  
start a herd. After numerous phone calls and emails, she picked out  
seven ewes. She was sending the deposit next week. The money she was  
expecting didn't come in, it will be another week. She will get the  
deposit in the mail tomorrow. The deposit is in the mail. Oh, could  
we wait to pick them up until after they are bred? The deposit is in  
the mail. Call me, if you don't get the deposit by the end of the  
week. The deposit never showed up. She never returned a phone call  
after that. I had seven ewes with paperwork ready to go, being bred  
to rams that I wouldn't necessarily have bred them to. She strung me  
along until I couldn't sell them before winter set in. And, since I  
thought I was selling seven ewes, I had bought three unrelated ewes  
to expand my lines. I over wintered more ewes than I had put up hay  
for. Instead of making a little money, it cost me.

Debbie Bennett
Feral Fibre Farm
Oakland, Oregon

On Jun 22, 2006, at 1:22 PM, Tom and Judy Riddolls wrote:

> here is a question related to bad buyers- of which i must say i am  
> often guilty.  My pick-up died ages ago, we are too poor to get it  
> fixed (not a small problem, and we have a small SUV and borrow a  
> trailer, now my wife and i are too busy as it is and it takes us  
> ages to get anything arranged, so what happens is i call around and  
> talk to sellers and get them excited then say ok well i come by in  
> a month, well it gets a lot of people upset.  i guess with reason,  
> but we just can't drive and pick up animals on a day's notice.  We  
> just picked up for lambs from Melanie Boxall which is 4 hours from  
> here that she advertised here a few months ago, the price went up  
> because lambs don't stay small for long, but that's fair, she did  
> not mind but others get all mad at me and some refuse to sell.  so  
> what should i do? a local goat breeder was selling some animals and  
> we picked one out and said we would pick it up in two months, well  
> 6 weeks later i had built the goat's pen but the fellow had sold  
> her! but if i wait till we're ready the advertised animals may be  
> gone.
> so my point is that some bad buyers have only good intentions
> also melanie boxall still has plenty of animals to sell, not  
> papered but very handsome and at meat prices
> tom
>> From: "Linda" 

>> To: "'Jacob List'" ,
>> Subject: RE: [Jacob-list] Jacob breeder in Marion OH
>> Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 22:10:27 -0400
>> We have all had less than satisfactory dealings with buyers - the  
>> ones that
>> never send deposits, the ones that send deposits and then  
>> disappear (how
>> long do we wait?), even the ones that pay in full and then never  
>> come to
>> pick up their sheep and the ones that mean well, the logistics get  
>> confused
>> and everything ends up working out.
>> You've pretty much given enough information to identify your buyer  
>> for
>> anyone that has the flock books. You have named her publicly for  
>> anyone that
>> wants to research it.  I have the flock books, but haven't really  
>> bothered
>> to see who she is.  Not really sure if this is the place to  
>> publicly accuse
>> someone of fraud.
>> I sympathize with your problems.  Unless I know someone, I get  
>> paid before
>> the sheep leave here.  I have never gotten a bad check and feel  
>> comfortable
>> taking checks - although I do hold the papers until the check  
>> clears if I
>> don't know the buyers.  The checks have always cleared.
>> Patchwork Farm Jacob Sheep 
>>   _____
>> From: jacob-list-bounces at jacobsheep.com
>> [mailto:jacob-list-bounces at jacobsheep.com] On Behalf Of Meg  
>> Steensland
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 6:45 PM
>> To: Jacob List
>> Subject: [Jacob-list] Jacob breeder in Marion OH
>> A woman in Marion OH bought a Jacob ram last summer and paid cash  
>> in full.
>> This past Feb, she agreed to buy two more sheep and came to get  
>> them with
>> her children and only $40 and no checkbook.  Well, I let her take  
>> the sheep
>> (minus the papers she would need for Donna's ewe and the registration
>> certificate on the ram) with the understanding that she was to  
>> send the
>> money later. She has given me one excuse after another - today she  
>> said she
>> mailed the check over a week ago.  Previously she lost my address-  
>> once her
>> mother took it over the phone and lost it, etc.  Donna who owned  
>> one of the
>> sheep she took (that was here to get bred) said she is lying about  
>> the check
>> sent last week and Donna is tired of hearing these tales and wants  
>> us to
>> take her (Marion woman) to small claims court.
>> Does anyone else run in to this with sheep buyers?  How  should I  
>> have
>> handled it when she showed up minus the checkbook?
>> This woman also told me her daughter (who is a junior member) was  
>> looking to
>> get a free sheep at the MD show.  I suggest the daughter be  
>> disqualified
>> until her mother pays up or returns the sheep she took. Marion  
>> woman is NOT
>> in the latest flock book, but daughter is.  In the meantime,  
>> suggest other
>> breeders avoid buying from or selling to her.  I am not naming her  
>> publicly,
>> but will
>> discuss privately with anyone on the edge of dealing with a  
>> breeder claiming
>> to live in central OH.  There are mosly responsible people here -  
>> up until
>> this incident.
>> Thanks for reading and considering.
>> Patchwork Farm Jacob Sheep 
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