[Jacob-list] Milkweed

ARTHUR PARTRIDGE aztreaz at earthlink.net
Sat Aug 5 22:50:09 EDT 2006

>Has anyone ever heard of a jacob sheep actually getting poisoned by 
We had a long discussion once on another list.  Apparently, sheep can graze
milkweed in the Midwest (Michigan, Minnesota) USA and not have any
problems.  Some of the species in the Western USA are poisonous.  There is
a species in Colorado that is extremely deadly, I think it is called
Mexican whorled.  If you can identify the species that you have, we can
find out if it is toxic.  I think you probably have a non-poisonous
species, but I would be careful until you have it identified.  Contact a
weed specialist who works for the Government or one at a University.  My
book on plants poisonous to livestock, Western U.S., lists 10 species that
are poisonous.
Moscow, Idaho

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