[Jacob-list] milkweed, any others?

Tom and Judy Riddolls grey_wethers_farm at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 4 18:36:14 EDT 2006

so a week ago i mentioned my lambs were eating milkweed, and so they were, i 
just spent the last three nights out there cutting it all out, some 10 
wheelbarrow loads.  i watched one boy lamb go to town eating the stuff! i 
kept having to chase them away.  somebody mentioned 2g or something, they 
must have eaten close to 2kgs as many plants (literally hundreds) were 
reduced to bare stalks.

Has anyone ever heard of a jacob sheep actually getting poisoned by 

does anyone suspect off flavours in the meat now? I don't plan to butcher 
for another 4-5 months, would the stuff pass out of them by then?

clearly the stuff is not as lethal as the websites would have you believe 
(but i sure as hell still cut it all down!)

So a question what other plants (here in ontario) should i be looking for?  
someone said periwinkle? is there a website you know of that will list the 
plants i should get rid of?


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