[Jacob-list] many thanks

Victoria da Roza castlerockjacobs at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 27 18:20:17 EDT 2006

Hi Shepherds/esses,
   Thank you for all the input on the lack of an anus.
 That is what I just love about this group.  You are
all so helpful instead of judgemental.  I subscribe to
breed sites for the help it gives us in being more
educated...especially those of us who live in areas
where there is no vet help for our charges.  I love
when people are honest about their problems because it
helps me think through what can be done if I
experience it...and not really be panicked when you
look at a newborn and see something you have never
heard of or know how to deal with.
   I belong to another breed site where if you mention
a problem, you receive a group flaming and questions
on your fitness to even own an animal.  I would say
this site is about 1% as helpful and the Jacob list.
   So thanks again to everyone who wrote and sent
research...it helps.  

Castle Rock Farm
Jacob Sheep & Nigerian Dwarf Goats

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