[Jacob-list] birth defect?

Meg Steensland beegal7 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 1 14:33:32 EST 2006

        In Ohio we have the FSA (farm service agency) - maybe you have a similar USDA entity that you could ask this of.  Maybe other shepherds in the area are coping with this too-other breeds.
  If you come up empty there, Oklahoma State has a good sheep site.
  Did that ram sire any 'good' lambs yet?

Melody <critterland at bendcable.com> wrote:           Hi all, I'm posting this question for a friend who isn't on line and who has a very puzzling problem.   She has had two ewes lamb so far, each with twins.  In each case one lamb was stillborn, and  the second stillborn and both surviving lambs have  a deformity of the front legs in which they will not straighten at the knee.  This is not a weakness, but a very strong contracture or bone deformity, she is not sure which.  She attempted to straighten the front legs of the second stillborn lamb, and said that even using so much strength she was afraid she would break the bones, the legs would not straighten completely.  She did not look carefully at the first stillborn, and doesn't know if it was the same.  One surviving lamb is able to walk reasonably well despite the bent legs, the second was more severe and has great difficulty in walking. 
  The ewes are unrelated, no obvious defects and healthy; both bred to the same ram, also apparently healthy.  Both have previously had healthy twin lambs.  There has been no change in feed or feeding habits, even in brand of grain, for over two years. They get pasture in summer, grass hay in winter,  and a small amount of  grain.  They have a loose mineral mix for sheep available free choice.  Her sheep are descendants of my flock, and I have seen no similar problems  in any of my sheep. 
  I haven't seen this, just spoken to her on the phone, so can't really add anything to the description.  Coming from unrelated ewes my first thought was nutritional, but my flock gets the same rations (minus the grain except in coldest winter) and in fact we both buy hay from the same person. Any suggestions/ideas??
  We're stumped!
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