[Jacob-list] horn issue

Gillian Fuqua gillianfuqua at adelphia.net
Mon Jun 6 20:02:02 EDT 2005

Dinah had one of her lateral horns broken some time ago.  This past 
winter, the stump got broken and the horn seems to have a 90 degree 
turn in it.  Now the horn is growing into her temple.  I can still fit 
a finger in between skull and horn tip  On the other side she had a 
lateral horn that curled into her eye but that one I could trim with a 
saw because it was at the tip.  (this horn got broken this winter and I 
am looking forward to a summer off from trimming.)  Anyhow, the smashed 
lateral is too close to the quick, eye, and skull for a saw job.  I 
think I need to call the vet but would I be asking him to do, breaking 
it so that it could try growing again, dehorning, help?  I am dreading 
the whole thing because poor Dinah would have to be sedated, I'm quite 
	On the same topic,  Tia has a mashed horn stump laying along across 
her face and I am also worried about her.  Both girls' breaks seem to 
be in the quick itself.


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