[Jacob-list] Re: Jacob-list digest, Vol 2 #179 - 2 msgs

Katrina & Dave davekat at copper.net
Fri Jul 9 13:02:37 EDT 2004

Well, our farm here hasn't sold for sure yet, so things are still a little
up in the air. (any more good energy/charma/prayers to send our way on the
rest of this saga?  Will be nice when it is all over.)
 But we do feel like good things are happening, so we will keep doing our
Will post that cute little lamb when I have a free moment.  (Mother's 60th
birthday celebration is today...)
Katrina Lefever
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Victoria da Roza" <castlerockjacobs at yahoo.com>
To: <jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 12:36 PM
Subject: [Jacob-list] Re: Jacob-list digest, Vol 2 #179 - 2 msgs

> --- jacob-list-request at jacobsheep.com wrote:
> > Send Jacob-list mailing list submissions to
> > jacob-list at jacobsheep.com
> >
> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web,
> > visit
> > http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/jacob-list
> > or, via email, send a message with subject or body
> > 'help' to
> > jacob-list-request at jacobsheep.com
> >
> > You can reach the person managing the list at
> > jacob-list-admin at jacobsheep.com
> >
> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it
> > is more specific
> > than "Re: Contents of Jacob-list digest..."
> >
> >
> > Today's Topics:
> >
> >    1. We got the new place! (Katrina & Dave)
> >    2. Re: We got the new place! (Linda)
> >
> > --__--__--
> >
> > Message: 1
> > From: "Katrina & Dave" <davekat at copper.net>
> > To: "Jacob-list" <jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
> > Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 06:39:51 -0400
> > Subject: [Jacob-list] We got the new place!
> >
> > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> >
> > ------=_NextPart_000_0024_01C464B6.5F0EAFC0
> > Content-Type: text/plain;
> > charset="iso-8859-1"
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> >
> > Listers-
> > I have been communicating with some of you off the
> > list about all that =
> > is happening here at Chicory Lane, but now the plans
> > are a bit more =
> > definite, so I want to bring the list up to date.
> > =20
> >
> > After much discussion, we have come to the
> > conclusion that this big old =
> > place is just too much for us. The house and barn
> > are huge and the work =
> > endless.  We decided to put it up on the market.
> > Since land around this =
> > area is very expensive, we assumed that this
> > descision meant we could =
> > not afford to buy other acreage but instead would
> > need to sell our =
> > beloved flock.  We have a family from VT with 7 kids
> > and the money =
> > needed to fix this place up right very interested in
> > Chicory Lane Farm =
> > right now.  Not sealed yet, but we think there is a
> > good chance.  They =
> > of course want to start a small flock of Jacobs if
> > they do make the =
> > move! *smile*
> >
> > However, in the meantime, we heard about a 3 1/2
> > acre place going up on =
> > auction...LAST NIGHT.  We bid and were surprised to
> > find all the people =
> > standing around were just neighbors welcoming us to
> > the area!   We got =
> > it with no real competition except the owners who
> > had a low bid already =
> > set!  (The only other serious bidder got the time
> > wrong and appeared on =
> > the scene one hour late after taking off work
> > specifically to attend.  =
> > You should have seen his face).
> > All this to say, we do indeed get to keep Isaiah and
> > a few of our =
> > favorite ewes and continue working with land.
> > Whoopie.  The house is of =
> > course not as majestic as this one, but is a lot
> > less care and while the =
> > land is not as good as this limestone, there are old
> > shrubs everywhere.  =
> >  Best of all, we have cut down on our financial
> > pressures quite a bit!  =
> > Whew!  Can't beat that.
> >
> > Like we have told many of you off the list, this
> > does still mean that we =
> > needed to sell of most of the flock.  Fortunately,
> > we have had many =
> > breeders supporting us already and have sold a good
> > number of the flock =
> > and lambs at discounted prices.  The ones still
> > available are on the =
> > site if anyone is interested.
> > There are still a few nice ram lambs: =
> > http://chicoryjacobs.com/saleram.htm=20
> > some ewes and ewe lambs left:
> > http://chicoryjacobs.com/sale.htm
> > We are moving sold/on hold animals to one page for
> > people to look at =
> > http://chicoryjacobs.com/saleewes.htm
> >
> > Guess a new chapter of life is starting!  Glad we
> > are able to share it =
> > with you! =20
> > -Katrina and Dave Lefever,=20
> > Chicory Lane Flock, if not Farm.  *smile*
> > ------=_NextPart_000_0024_01C464B6.5F0EAFC0
> > Content-Type: text/html;
> > charset="iso-8859-1"
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> >
> > Transitional//EN">
> > <HTML><HEAD>
> > <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type
> > content=3D"text/html; =
> > charset=3Diso-8859-1">
> > <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1400"
> > name=3DGENERATOR>
> > </HEAD>
> > <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS"
> > size=3D2>Listers-</FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>I have
> > been communicating =
> > with some of=20
> > you off the list about all that is happening here at
> > Chicory Lane, but =
> > now the=20
> > plans are a bit more definite, so I want to bring
> > the list up to =
> > date.&nbsp;=20
> > </FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS"
> > size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS"
> > size=3D2>After&nbsp;<EM>much</EM> =
> > discussion, we=20
> > have come to the conclusion that this&nbsp;big
> > old&nbsp;place is just =
> > too much=20
> > for us.&nbsp;The house and barn are huge and the
> > work endless. &nbsp;We =
> > decided=20
> > to put it up on the market.&nbsp; Since land around
> > this area is very =
> > expensive,=20
> > we assumed that this descision meant we could not
> > afford to buy other =
> > acreage=20
> > but instead would need to sell our beloved
> > flock.&nbsp; We have a family =
> > from VT=20
> > with 7 kids and the money needed to fix this place
> > up right very =
> > interested in=20
> > Chicory Lane Farm&nbsp;right now.&nbsp; Not sealed
> > yet, but we think =
> > there is a=20
> > good chance.&nbsp; They of course want to start a
> > small flock of Jacobs =
> > if they=20
> > do make the move! *smile*</FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS"
> > size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>However,
> > in the meantime, we =
> > heard about=20
> > a 3 1/2 acre place going up on auction...LAST
> > NIGHT.&nbsp; We bid and =
> > were=20
> > surprised to find all the people standing around
> > were just neighbors =
> > welcoming=20
> > us to the area!&nbsp;&nbsp; We got it with no real
> > competition except =
> > the owners=20
> > who had a low bid already set!&nbsp; (The only other
> > serious bidder got =
> > the time=20
> > wrong and appeared on the scene one hour late after
> > taking off work =
> > specifically=20
> > to attend.&nbsp; You should have seen his
> > face).</FONT></DIV>
> > <DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>All this
> > to say, we do indeed =
> > get to keep=20
> > Isaiah and a few of our favorite ewes and continue
> > working with =
> > land.&nbsp;=20
> > Whoopie.&nbsp; The house is of course not as
> > majestic as this one, but =
> >
> === message truncated ===
> Katrina:
> Sounds like the clean living as a Jacob shepherd has
> paid off in good charma.  So glad you got a new place
> and are keeping in the game.  Picture of the new lamb?
> =====
> Victoria
> Castle Rock Farm
> Jacob Sheep & Nigerian Dwarf Goats
> www.castlerockfarm.net
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