[Jacob-list] tags and tracking

J Thomas shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 6 16:50:36 EST 2004

Mary Ellen - You've raised some excellent points about

Don't forget, too, that there are a lot of Jacobs who
are presented for registration that do not pass and
are not registered. Hence, they would not be able to
be tracked via the JSC or JSBA.

I had two lovely Jacobs that I tried to register. One
passed, one failed. Both are no longer here at my
farm. I did not get the paperwork until about 6 months
after I sold the sheep. The paperwork was sent in when
I bought them -- about a year and a half earlier.

Not to ruffle feathers, but this is one reason why I
switched to border leicesters. I pay my fee, send in
my paperwork and receive papers within three weeks. I
don't need to send photos. The procedure is well
organized. If the registrar has a question on your
application, she phones you. (I had this happen.)

I love my remaining Jacobs and will not sell them, but
my future sheep breeding with be with my border leicesters.

Joy Thomas, Shepherd & Fiber Artist
Son-Rise Farm, Creedmoor NC
French Angora Rabbits
American Fuzzy Lop Rabbits
Hand-spun Yarns, Fleece (seasonal)
Custom Triloom Weaving
Classes - Weaving & Spinning
Website:   www.shepherdofspots.com
E-Mail:      joy at shepherdofspots.com

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