[Jacob-list] is she bred or not?

fayg at mebtel.net fayg at mebtel.net
Wed Dec 8 04:16:14 EST 2004


Well the non mating end isn't the jockying for
herd position common, right before breeding and
right before delivery?

Has anyone studied ewe dominance and offspring gender?
ie, do top ewes produce mostly males, lower ewes mostly
more ewes? (From Sociobiology something about females 
are genetically safer reproductive bets than males?)

(I have a ewe that got big enough to take over the flock
last year after breeding but before birth. She only gave
ewes; 3 to be exact, and I am curious as to this years
lamb, will it now be a boy since she is top ewe?)


Quoting Linda <patchworkfibers at alltel.net>:

> Mary Ellen,
> I like the way you put that.  I'm not sure 
> why it struck me as so funny, but
> I am literally ROFL. (well, not exactly 
> literally, but close)
> Linda
> On Mon, 6 Dec 2004 14:04:57 -0800 (PST), Mary Hansson wrote:
> >Victoria,
> The head touching/butting is
> >jostling for position in the flock---NOT breeding behavior!  That happens
> at
> >the other end of the animal.
> >
> >Mary Ellen
> http://www.PatchworkFibers.com
>  Registered Jacob Sheep & Angora Rabbits
>  Handspun Yarns
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