[Jacob-list] Re: Sore Mouth

MarmontJacobs at aol.com MarmontJacobs at aol.com
Sun Apr 11 04:36:56 EDT 2004

Hi...sounds quite possible. It is a virus that gets in through a slight 
scratch/abrasion. Many sheep carry it passively and are unaffected. The virus lives 
on in the scabs once shed, although this is inactivated by frost and I think 
very wet weather too.

We had three lambs with orf this year (a first, although we are surrounded by 
hundreds of thousands of sheep here in our part of Wales). They were fine in 
themselves and problems tend to be from bacterial infection on top of the 
virus. I merely isolated them in an outdoor pen usually used for ducks with their 
mums who didn't catch it...it is admissable through udder scratches so keep an 
eye on the udder as mastitis is possible. They stayed there until the scabs 
dropped off.This can take several weeks.

Think of it like children with chickenpox! Treatment very little as it is a 
virus...one careful spray with Bactakill (a product we have in UK for scald, 
footrot,orf, lots of things). Traditional - salt in the drinking water and 
rubbing on cold bacon fat.

I do know someone who caught it through a shearing cut in his hand (very 
painful - professional shearer) - it is possible, so you may like to wear rubber 
gloves when looking after them.

Trisha, Wales
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