[Jacob-list] Rug Felting

Bill Thompson Emma at netins.net
Mon Nov 10 19:06:46 EST 2003

Hi, I am the one who mentioned felting rugs.  My name is Lou Anne Thompson
and I live in S.W. Iowa.  I took one of the rugs to the Jacobs Meeting at
Decorah in June, when I did a demonstration on felting.

Someone let me know if it is appropriate to the list to give instructions,
they are not that long.

On another topic, I had a call this A.M. from a lady who lives in Papillion
NE.  She had Jacob Sheep at their farm in
Tabor IA.  Her 91 year old mother feeds the sheep.  This is their first year
with a "RAM" and apparently it has the same attitude my rams (3) have.  They
are concerned for "moms" safety as they have to go out of town for a time.
It is a two horned ram, 2-1/2 years old, I guess he is very handsome.  The
two ewes he bred this year, had multiple births, one twins and the other
triplets.  Her name is Jane Dwornicki, and her e-mail is
dwornicki5811 at worldnet.att.net   I think she would like $100.

I also asked earlier about corn husks, my concern is that the husks and
stalks also have sugar, I feed my sheep measured amounts of feed. 2 parts
corn, 1 part oats and 1 part supplement.  I "feel" that they will probably
eat every thing I put in the barn.   We had to run chainlink fence around
the inside to keep them from eating the frame of the barn.  I think I will
not use the corn husks as bedding, but as a treat and see how they do, then
increase if they seem to handle it.  A scientist I'm not.

Lou Anne in S.W. Iowa

----- Original Message -----
From: Melody <critterland at bendcable.com>
To: jacoblist <jacob-list at jacobsheep.com>
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Jacob-list] Rug Felting

> I would also like to hear more about the rugs--are you felting the wool
> is", or weaving or crocheting it first?
> Melody at CritterLand
> Redmond OR
> >     Some one on the list mentioned they were felting a wool rug.  I
> > would be really interested in what they looked like. Also in the fall,
> > when I feed my animals the left over corn... nothing is really left
> > corn, stalk or husk. The husk should be good bedding and it might break
> > down easier.
> > Thanks Karen Sigler
> > Benjamin Farms,   Utah
> >
> >
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