[Jacob-list] 3-30-02

Katherine Wisor creeksendfarm at mac.com
Sun Mar 30 11:42:55 EST 2003

It's 11:30 am  in Charlotte, NC. The buds are in the roses, daffodils 
and tulips are in bloom!   The wisteria is in full boom and gardeners 
are getting ready for spring with temp on saturday of 74' !  The temp 
today is 38' and it's SNOWING!!!!!!  I am so glad I didn't give in to 
my urge to start shearing my sheep.  I'd have frozen the dear things!   
  On a sadder note :   It seems my Arabian "Thunder" must have taken a 
"miss step"  yesterday fracturing the lower back of one of my lambs.   
His life was not wasted , he will be supper for a neighbor .  The risk 
of housing everyone in one pasture is these type of accidents, 
unfortunately I have little  choice .  Stay warm!

Katherine Wisor RN
  400 Dawn Circle
Charlotte, NC, 28213
Phone: 704-598-8373

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