[Jacob-list] New to list

Linda Boyce orehomestead at proaxis.com
Mon Jun 9 11:00:57 EDT 2003

Hi All-

I am new to the list. We have Wensleydale, Lincolns, Shetlands, Finn,
American Colorbred Short-Tail and Jacobs sheep. All our Jacobs are
black/white. I am  hoping to get some lilacs.

Our newest Jacob lamb was born several days ago. A very well marked ram
lamb. His mother is 13 years old. All my Jacobs are gentle including my ram.
I just added Jacobs to my flock in December. I am very pleased with them!

I am a spinner, weaver and dye person. I sell my fiber to other spinners.
June 19th-21st,  I will be at Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene,Oregon. Booth
105. Please stop by and say hi!

I will have more sheep coats available after BSG. I have been too busy to
work on them..

Linda Boyce

Oregon Homestead
Philomath,Oregon 97370

orehomestead at proaxis.com

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