[Jacob-list] Medical / Social behavior ...

Mary Hansson buffgeese at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 9 17:14:42 EST 2003


I tried answering this morning and something went awry with the sending.  I agree completely with Katrina.  I enjoy the bantering and battering that goes on when any group is re-arranged OR just when the weather makes a change one way or the other.  You will have all the sheep skipping and flying across the field for their own reasons.  Some will pursue.  Others will be pursued.

I found Katrina's note about the smaller ram quite typical, as the ewes do seem to acquiesce (spelling must be off on that word) to a male in the group.  

I do have a rather whimsical and funny story to tell, though, about a couple of my sheep.  I now have Puddleduck Sir James.  He got a few girls this fall to be friends with, and he just assumed they would knuckle under and give him his rightful dues---meaning best spot at the feed bowls.  WELL, I am here to tell you that I have a ewe, Bullthistle Ima, who brought that boy to his knees begging to be released.  They got in quite a fight, their horns wound up locking, and that girl was not about to back down.  It was quite funny, really.  Anyway.....Ima ruled that group without dispute from anybody until she was moved back in with the girls.  She takes second place only to my Inga in the group of 40-some girls.  Lord only knows what would have happened if Inga and Sir James had squared off  :o)).

Mary Ellen

Mary Ellen Hansson, MEd, RD, LDN
ISeeSpots Farm
Jacob Sheep:  Lambs, adults, wool
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