[Jacob-list] Alternative Nutrition and Mineral Supplementation

Karen karen at benjaminfarms.com
Tue Apr 29 10:38:30 EDT 2003

        We were first introduced to this ides in "Storey's Guide to 
Raising Sheep".
    "An important part of alternative health pratices relates to 
nutrition and minerals.  Some farmers and researchers in New Zealand are 
reporting that by feeding fish meal to lambs (in other words, boosting 
their nutrition) they are seeing a reduction in worm problems.  Doug 
Gunnick, who raises lambs organically in Minnesota, reports with a 
mixture of garlic and cayenne peper added to his lambs' feed he has no 
trouble with worms and uses no chemical wormers Other folks feed 
diatomaceous earth and report that it helps to reduce worm counts. (We 
use it ourselves.) Diatomaceous earth is fossilized shells of diatoms, 
which are prehistoric one-celled organisms."
-Paula Simmons & Carol Ekarius
Karen Sigler
Benjamin Farms,  Utah

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