[Jacob-list] Lambing equipement...

J Thomas shepherdofspots at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 11 01:11:40 EDT 2002

Didn't Katrina give you the warning label when you
bought your first sheep? Jacobs ARE addictive!
<giggle> I now have 7! (and just sold 7 two weeks ago)

Bought a neat plastic storage tote for lambing
supplies. In it I have a notebook, camera (loaded with
film & new batteries OR my digital if it's daylight)
pen, flashlight, clean towels, non-spill coffee mug,
iodine, small sharp scissors and the book Your Ewe and
Hew Newborn Lambs by Laura Lawson (sp)?  I do have
emergency powdered colostrum & lamb milk replacer in
the house, but haven't had to use any.

I've had 9 born here on the farm. Most arrived either
while I was asleep, doing errands, or not in the
pasture. You kind of look out the window, count, and
say, "OH, another one!" and then run to get a closer
look and make notes in your notebook of who mama ewe
is, the date, anything special or unusual you observe
(write it down, you'll forget which lamb did what
when) and what spot pattern baby has. I also take
pictures ASAP, too! As Neal mentioned, it's hard to
catch a speeding Jacob, and pictures are easier sooner
than later. (A great way to ID if you eartag later,

I move my ewes and lambs into an "after lambing" jug
(renamed by Thom Simmons the luxury lambing suite) due
to my farm's layout (and the fact that I had a LOT of
new mothers and I wanted to be sure all was well.) I
don't dock tails until 48 hours after birth. I don't
castrate my ram lambs. My lambs get a tetanus
antitoxin and an elastrator band on their tails
mid-day of day 2 of life. If they are okay, out they
go with mama ewe the next morning.

I only had to assist with one delivery. His front leg
had gotten twisted, once it was straight, mama ewe
took over.

Relax and enjoy! Lambing is SUCH a wonderful time of

Joy Thomas

Joy Thomas, Shepherd & Fiber Artist
Son-Rise Farm, Creedmoor NC
Home of The Fleece Flock
Jacob, Shetland & Border Leicester Sheep
Website:   www.shepherdofspots.com
E-Mail:    joy at shepherdofspots.com

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